Thursday, October 21, 2010

1993 - Adam Sandler - The Strand

Went to this with a group of people.
Christine and Justin, Ron and Jenna and someone else but I
can't remember!
This was a fantastic show.  Big SNL person doing stand-up.
A heckler in the crowd turned out to be Chris Farley! 
It was a fantastic show! 


  1. check the stub, tickets were $10 for this. before he started making movie, we were enjoying his silliness on SNL and none of had gone to see a stand-up routine. we go to music shows, not comedy clubs.
    funny how big he turned out to be by playing an 8 year old

  2. How crazy. I was at that show. We wee going to see "The Stud Boy" and Farley was at the table next to me. Pure insanity. Weren't they taping for one of his records that night?

  3. It was a very fun show. I thought it was recorded to but, never heard anything about it. Maybe he was just trying out stand up material. Either way it was great!
