Saturday, October 9, 2010

1993 - KROQ's 1st Weenie Roast - Irvine Meadows

The line-up

Went with Bianca, Danny and I think Cathy.
I remember it being hot and loving being outdoors for a KROQ event.  I liked KROQ.  We had a good relationship at this time.  I remember the Evan Dando walking around the crowd and I will never forget the singer from Dramarama falling off the stage and nailing his chin on the barracade fence during last cigarette.  It was epic and wow could have been tragic.  A very fun day.       


  1. What do you mean you think! Of course I was there! And got hella sun burned! I just remeber the bathrooms where gross because of all of the people and how long the concert was!

  2. Was I there? No, but I just couldn't help but respond to your comment about the Dramarama lead singer's slip and fall. For all I know, dude was stone cold sober. However, just about four years prior to this event, they played the university where I not only attended, but worked. It was my job to assess whether or not a band was particularly or not trouble makers based on their drug and alcohol use. I stated "No" on a form. The lead singer proceeded to clock an attendee in the head with a beer bottle. I'll never forget them for that.
